Hello, I'm Daniel Siemssen. I'm currently employed at CARIAD and develop tools to enable the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in the Volkswagen Group.
Past positions
- Researcher, University of Wuppertal, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Associate Lecturer in Mathematical Physics, University of York, Department of Mathematics
- Interim Professor in Applied Mathematics, University of Wuppertal, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wuppertal, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Postdoctoral Fellow (FUGA Fellowship), University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics
- Postdoctoral Fellow (Riemann Fellowship), University of Hannover, Riemann Center
- PhD in Mathematics, University of Genova
- Diploma in Physics, University of Hamburg

Special cosmological models derived from the semiclassical Einstein equation on flat FLRW space-times

Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equation in cosmological models

An evolution equation approach to linear quantum field theory

The cosmological semiclassical Einstein equation as an infinite-dimensional dynamical system

Pseudodifferential Weyl calculus on (pseudo-)Riemannian manifolds

An evolution equation approach to Klein-Gordon operators in curved spacetimes

Quantum energy inequalities in pre-metric electrodynamics

Feynman propagators on static spacetimes

Electromagnetic potential in pre-metric electrodynamics: causal structure, propagators and quantization

The semiclassical Einstein equation on cosmological spacetimes
PhD Thesis, University of Genoa (2015) / arXiv:1503.01826 [math-ph]

Scale-invariant curvature fluctuations from an extended semiclassical gravity

Enumerating permutations by their run structure

Global existence of solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equation